Monday, September 24, 2012

Drinking Beer Leads To Stronger Bones In Women

Drinking beer leads to stronger bones in women

Scientists in Spain found that women who were light-to-moderate beer drinkers had stronger, denser bones than non-beer drinkers. The researchers attributed the findings to beer's high levels of phytoestrogen (the plant version of estrogen) and silicon, both of which slow down bone thinning and promote growth.

"Silicon plays a major role in bone for
mation," the study reported. "Beer has been claimed to be one of the most important sources of silicon in the western diet."

Drinking beer regularly, the study goes on to say, makes women less likely to suffer from osteoporosis after menopause. Try out that pickup line the next time you're hitting on an older woman in a bar.

Yosof A. Mohammed

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