Tuesday, September 25, 2012

World's Most Wealthy In One Room

world's most wealthy and influential philanthropists all in one room
Yosof A. Mohammed

Starfish Fungus

Starfish Fungus

Aseroe rubra also known as starfish fungus, is a common and widespread basidiomycete fungus recognizable for its foul odour of carrion and its sea anemone shape when mature.

Found in gardens on mulch and in grassy areas, it resembles a red star-shaped structure covered in brownish slime on a white stalk. It attracts flies, which spread its spores.
Yosof A. Mohammed

Monday, September 24, 2012

Comet Moth .. Beautiful

A picture of a Comet Moth. What a beautiful creature.
Yosof A. Mohammed

A Soviet Surgeon Has to Remove His Own Appendix

Antarctica, 1961: A Soviet Surgeon Has to Remove His Own Appendix

In 1961, Rogozov was stationed at a newly constructed Russian base in Antarctica. The 12 men inside were cut off from the outside world by the polar winter by March of that year. In April, the 27-year-old Rogozov began to feel ill, very ill. His symptoms were classic: he had acute appendicitis. "He knew that if he was to survive he had to undergo an operation," the British Medical Journal recounted. "But he was in the frontier conditions of a newly founded Antarctic colony on the brink of the polar night. Transportation was impossible. Flying was out of the question, because of the snowstorms. And there was one further problem: he was the only physician on the base."

Yosof A. Mohammed

Dog Promoted To Sergeant

A dog named Stubby was promoted to sergeant in the US Army for locating and effectively capturing a German spy.
Yosof A. Mohammed

The Brain Fact

Our brains spend 80% of its time replaying memories & creating scenarios of perfect situations.
Yosof A. Mohammed

The Norwegian Army Has Knighted A Penguin.

The Norwegian army has knighted a penguin.

Colonel-in-Chief Sir Nils Olav is a King Penguin living in Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland. He is the mascot and Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Royal Guard. Nils was visited by soldiers from the Norwegian Royal Guard on the 15 August 2008 and awarded a knighthood.The honour was approved by the king of Norway, King Harald V. During the ceremony a crowd of several hundred people joined the 130 guardsmen at the zoo to hear a citation from King Harald the Fifth of Norway read out, which described Nils as a penguin "in every way qualified to receive the honour and dignity of knighthood".The name 'Nils Olav' has also been given to two other King Penguins who preceded the current Nils Olav as the King's Guard's mascot.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Printer System Used To Produce Skin

Printer system used to produce skin.

Researchers are using a mechanism similar to ink-jet printer to develop skin-printing system whose products could be used for treating wounds.

Standard ink-jet printer's technology has inspired US scientists to use almost a similar system in the production of damaged or burned skin.

During the process, first the scientists take a sample of skin from the patient, then separate, and replicate the cells in large quantities. After that, they put the produced cells on a cartridge in the printer to form and print skin sheets.

"We started out by taking a typical desktop ink-jet cartridge. Instead of ink we use cells, which are placed in the cartridge," said Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

The project is in pre-clinical phases and Wake Forest is going to receive approximately $50 million fund from the US Defense Department to develop operational human skin producing system.

The technique involves a portable bioprinter that could be carried to wounded soldiers on the battlefield, where it would scan the injury, take cells from the patient and print a section of compatible skin.

Another technique uses a three-dimensional printer combining donor cells, biofriendly gel and other materials to build cartilage.

Scientists from Wake Forest, Cornell University and the Medical University of South Carolina presented the findings at an American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Washington.

source :

Yosof A. Mohammed

Lincoln Pocket Watch SECRET

Lincoln carried around a secret message in his pocket watch

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History announced it has found a “secret” message engraved in President Abraham Lincoln’s watch by a watchmaker who was repairing it in 1861 when news of the attack on Fort Sumter reached Washington, D.C.

In an interview with The New York Times April 30, 1906, 84-year-old Jonathan Dillon recalled that he was working for M.W. Galt and Co. on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, where he was repairing Lincoln’s watch. The owner of the shop announced that the first shot of the Civil War had been fired. Dillon reported that he unscrewed the dial of the watch, and with a sharp instrument wrote on the metal beneath: “The first gun is fired. Slavery is dead. Thank God we have a President who at least will try.” He then signed and dated the inscription and closed the dial. Dillon told The New York Times in 1906 that to his knowledge, no one ever saw the inscription. 

Yosof A. Mohammed

Bryan Williams .. The Biggest Lost

Birdman (Bryan Williams) lost 20 houses and 50 cars including 2 Maybachs and 4 Ferraris during hurricane Katrina.
Yosof A. Mohammed

Florida lighting Strike

This is a waterspout accompanied by a lighting strike, photographed over Lake Okeechobee in Florida. A sister of the tornado, waterspouts are generally less powerful. They occur when high layers of cool air blow across a body of water while warm moist air sweeps up from below. They appear as thin columns with the funnels sucking up water.

Waterspouts can vary in size from a few feet to more than
a mile in height, and from a few feet to hundreds of feet wide.

These water twisters can move anywhere from 2 to 80 miles an hour. Winds within the waterspout can spiral around at 60-120 miles an hour.

Waterspouts, like their land counterparts, can pick up and transport some interesting objects. They have sent showers of tadpoles in New York, and even toads in France. One in Providence, Rhode Island, rained fish down on the people, who promptly collected and sold them!

Yosof A. Mohammed

The City Built Into The Rocks

Setenil de Las Bodegas – the City Built Into the Rocks

Setenil de las Bodegas is a small town in the province of Cádiz, Spain. Named after its once flourishing wineries - bodegas - Setenil de las Bodegas (which means Setenil of the Wine Cellars) is unique among the pueblos blancos , white villages, of Andalucia and particularly famous for its dwellings built into the rock overhangs. The town extends along the course of the Rio Trejo with some houses being built into the rock walls of the gorge itself, created by enlarging natural caves or overhangs and adding an external wall.
Modern Setenil evolved from a fortified Moorish town that occupied a bluff overlooking a sharp bend in the Rio Trejo northwest of Ronda. The castle dates from at least the Almohad period in the 12th century. However, evidence of other nearby cave-dwelling societies, such as those at the Cueva de la Pileta west of Ronda, where habitation has been tracked back more than 25,000 years suggests that Setenil was occupied much much earlier. It was a spectacular defense place at the Arab age, which resisted several times the attacks of the Christian troops, before being conquered by the Catholic Monarchs in 1488.
Yosof A. Mohammed

Eddie Van With Drums And Guitar

Eddie Van Halen actually started out playing the drums. He bought a drum set and his brother bought a guitar. When his brother got better at the drums than him, Eddie said "OK, fuck you, I'll play your guitar."
Yosof A. Mohammed

Last Person Who Known Hitler Personally

Rochus Misch, age 95, is the last surviving person to have known Hitler personally and witnessed his suicide. He worked as his personal bodyguard, courier and phone operator in the Fuhrerbunker, and still lives in the same house in Berlin where he moved upon his release from the Soviets in 1954.
Yosof A. Mohammed

Drinking Beer Leads To Stronger Bones In Women

Drinking beer leads to stronger bones in women

Scientists in Spain found that women who were light-to-moderate beer drinkers had stronger, denser bones than non-beer drinkers. The researchers attributed the findings to beer's high levels of phytoestrogen (the plant version of estrogen) and silicon, both of which slow down bone thinning and promote growth.

"Silicon plays a major role in bone for
mation," the study reported. "Beer has been claimed to be one of the most important sources of silicon in the western diet."

Drinking beer regularly, the study goes on to say, makes women less likely to suffer from osteoporosis after menopause. Try out that pickup line the next time you're hitting on an older woman in a bar.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Leopard Attack

a man being attacked by a leopard after he threw a stone at it
Yosof A. Mohammed

Saturday, September 22, 2012




Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators.

Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to the picture above).

As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

Well, I was wondering hows it possible..It seems too miraculous to be true..

A little bit of tender love goes a long way. Show affection to all
Yosof A. Mohammed

Friday, September 21, 2012

2012 Land Rover DC100 Sport Concept

2012 Land Rover DC100 Sport Concept.

The DC100 Sport features a wraparound aero screen and cut-down side windows, and is painted in a special yellow inspired by the vibrant ochre hues found in Africa. On the interior, the seats are trimmed in leather with a lightweight, breathable mesh insert in a bold Tribal Tech pattern. The same pattern is repeated on the floor of the DC100 Sport where floor mats are made of Ombrae, a sculptural medium used in art installations and modern architecture.

The DC100 Sport is powered by a 2.0-liter four-cylinder petrol engine with hybrid compatibility mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission with Intelligent Stop/Start and a transfer case.

Yosof A. Mohammed

"Virgin Birth" Seen in Wild Snakes

"Virgin Birth" Seen in Wild Snakes, Even When Males Are Available

Virgin birth" among animals may not be a rare, last-resort, save-the-species stopgap after all.

For the first time, animal mothers, specifically pit vipers, have been discovered spawning fatherless offspring in the wild. More to the point, the snakes did so even when perfectly good males were around.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Whales and dolphins are ‘best buddies’

Whales and dolphins are ‘best buddies’

These friends were noticed the first time off the northwest coast of Kauai. 8 bottle nose dolphins met up with a pair humpback whales. Since then these friends have been noticed worldwide, displaying their playful acts.

This game involves the dolphins approaching the whales when they appear to surf the pressure wave. The dolphin comes to lie across the whale’s rostrum when it comes out to breathe. The dolphins tries to maintain its balance when the whale lifts the dolphin and then the dolphin slides down the whale’s back, playfully tickling the whale.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Paralyzed Rats Walk Again

Paralyzed Rats Walk Again, Thanks to Electricity & Chemicals.

Wearing a robotic harness, paralyzed rats have been made to walk again, according to a new study—albeit with an oddly upright, humanlike gait and while stimulated by judicious j

olts of electricity and chemicals.

It's the first time severely injured spinal cords have been reawakened, say researchers, who add that the technique might hold some promise for disabled people.

The treadmill exercise exploited reflexes that make walking in some ways passive, explained neuroscientist Naomi Kleitman of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Yosof A. Mohammed

The Man Who Eats Everything

The Man Who Eats Everything

Michel Lotito has a stomach lining which is twice as thick as normal, and it is a rare condition that most doctors are not sure how it occurs. This man can eat metal, glass, as well as toxic and poisonous materi
al! He also consumes mineral oil and drinks tons of water. His gastric juices, or digestive acids, are unusually powerful, which is the only explanation on how he can digest metallic feasts. He entered the Guinness book of records after eating an airplane! It took him TWO YEARS to finish it (from 1978 to 1980).
Yosof A. Mohammed

What's Ambergris?

What's Ambergris? Behind the $60k Whale-Waste Find

Sperm whales eject an intestinal slurry called ambergris into the ocean, where the substance hardens as it bobs along. Eventually it gets collected along shores—most often as sheer happenstance, as in the case of eight-year-old Charlie Naysmith in the U.K. a few days ago.

Walking along the beach in Dorset with his dad, the boy found what looked to be a very odd rock. He and his dad used Google to help identify it as ambergris. Weighing more than a pound, it is said to be worth up to U.S. $63,000.

The value of ambergris lies in its role in the fragrance industry. High-end perfumes from houses such as Chanel and Lanvin take advantage of the ability of ambergris to fix scent to human skin.

The smell of ambergris itself varies from piece to piece, ranging from earthy to musky to sweet. If a perfume house's "nose"—the person responsible for choosing scents—likes the aroma, the ambergris can be worth thousands an ounce.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Odd Sea Creature

Odd Sea Creature Found at Volcanoes, Canyons

Black Dragonfish
Female black dragonfish—such as this newfound specimen of the Idiacanthus genus—are "fierce predators" of small fish. But "interestingly, male dragonfish lack teeth and a functional gut, and are thought to live only long enough to breed,"

Photograph courtesy NIWA

Yosof A. Mohammed

Arsenic-Life Discovery Debunked

Arsenic-Life Discovery Debunked — But "Alien" Organism Still Odd

California's Mono Lake harbors strange limestone formations and even stranger bacteria.

It was hailed in 2010 as the most "alien" life-form yet: bacteria that reportedly, and unprecedentedly, had rewritten the recipe for DNA. And the secret ingredient was arsenic.

But now two new studies seem to have administered a final dose of poison to the already controversial finding.

Researchers led by then NASA astrobiologist Felisa Wolfe-Simon had found the organism, dubbed GFAJ-1, in arsenic-rich sediments of California's Mono Lake. They later reported in the journal Science that the bacterium thrived in arsenic-rich, phosphorus-poor lab conditions.

The team concluded that GFAJ-1 must be incorporating arsenic into its DNA in place of phosphorous, which is essential for the DNA of all other known organisms.

Yosof A. Mohammed

The model better known as Skullboy

The model better known as Skullboy

Canadian tattoo enthusiast Rick "Rico" Genest famously became an inspiration for fashion designer Thierry Mugler's collection in 2011. You probably recognize him, of course, from Lady Gaga's Born This Way video.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Electronically Bees

"Zombie" Bees Electronically Enhanced to Help Solve Die-Off Mystery

Tiny, back-mounted radio trackers monitor the bees' comings and goings.To learn more about a bizarre, zombie-like behavior recently discovered in honeybees, researchers are now tagging the "zombees" with tiny radio trackers.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Giant Crocodile Breaks Size Record

Giant Crocodile Breaks Size Record—Suspected in Fatal Attacks
Lolong beats previous record-holder by more than two feet.

Lolong has hit the big time—at 20.24 feet (6.17 meters) long, the saltwater crocodile is officially the largest in captivity, the Guinness World Records announced recently.

Suspected of attacking several people and killing two, the giant reptile was captured alive in the Philippines' Bunawan township (map) last September.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Venus the Two-Faced Cat a Mystery

Venus the Two-Faced Cat a Mystery
Famous feline may have different DNA on each side of her body.

Venus the two-faced cat is currently the most famous feline on the planet.

The three-year-old tortoiseshell has her own Facebook page and a Y
ouTube video that's been viewed over a million times, and appeared on the Today Show last week. (Watch National Geographic cat videos.)

One look at this cat and you can understand why: One half is solid black with a green eye—the other half has typical orange tabby stripes and a blue eye.

How does a cat end up looking like that? Leslie Lyons, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who studies the genetics of domestic cats said she's never seen a cat exactly like Venus.

"She is extremely, extremely rare," Lyons said. "But you can explain it and you can understand it."
Yosof A. Mohammed

Mating Turtles Fossilized in the Act

Mating Turtles Fossilized in the Act
First fossils of copulating vertebrates may solve poisonous paleontology mystery.

German scientists have just reported an extraordinary discovery: the first known pairs of mating vertebrate fossils.

And along with the thrill of a fossil first comes another possible breakthrough. The 47-million-year-old turtle remains offer clues to how a prehistoric lake became one of the world’s richest fossil troves.

The turtle pairs were discovered in Messel Pit, a tropical lake turned Lagerstätten—paleontologist speak for a "really, really, really, spectacular place for fossils," according to Columbia University's Mark Norell.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Cookie Cup

Cookie Cup

First you drink the coffee, then you eat the cup! The Cookie Cup is designed by Venezuelan designer Enrique Luis Sardi together with Italian coffee company Lavazza.
The cup is made of pastry covered with a special icing sugar, which works as an insulator, and makes the cup waterproof hence allowing you to use the cup and then appreciate its taste.
Yosof A. Mohammed

World's Oldest Purse Found

World's Oldest Purse Found — Studded With a Hundred Dog Teeth?

"It seems to have been very fashionable at the time."
The world's oldest purse may have been found in Germany—and its owner apparently had a sharp sense of Stone Age style.

Excavators at a site near Leipzig (map) uncovered more than a hundred dog teeth arranged close together in a grave dated to between 2,500 and 2,200 B.C.

According to archaeologist Susanne Friederich, the teeth were likely decorations for the outer flap of a handbag.

"Over the years the leather or fabric disappeared, and all that's left is the teeth. They're all pointing in the same direction, so it looks a lot like a modern handbag flap," said Friederich, of the Sachsen-Anhalt State Archaeology and Preservation Office.

Yosof A. Mohammed

Glowing Pygmy Shark Lights Up to Fade Away

Glowing Pygmy Shark Lights Up to Fade Away
Camouflage key to "one of the most mysterious areas of shark biology."

In what may sound like soggy logic, the smalleye pygmy shark hides in the dark by lighting up, a new study says.

The research is helping to illuminate one of sharkdom's biggest evolutionary puzzles: how some species came to shine in the first place.

"More than 10 percent of currently described shark species are luminous," lead study author Julien Claes said via email.

"However, bioluminescence remains one of the most mysterious areas of shark biology," added Claes, a biologist with Belgium's Catholic University of Louvain.

Growing to be just 6 inches (15 centimeters) long, the smalleye pygmy is among the world's smallest sharks. In its deep, open-ocean habitat, the species' shining blue belly acts as camouflage, the study says.

"If you're swimming in the deep-blue dark waters, seen from underneath, you create a shadow against the bluish light coming from the surface," said study co-author Jérôme Mallefet.

"If you produce the same bluish light on your belly, you disappear—you don't show your shadow anymore," added Mallefet, also a biologist at the Catholic University of Louvain.
Yosof A. Mohammed